Keep it Flowing

More Donations, Funding and Grants

Make sure you stay in contact with the source of the grant awarding bodies, fundraisers and generous donators! 

Make a diary note of when to make contact again – even if only to make potential supporters aware of progress as they were supportive when you first got in touch. Let them know of any achievements with press coverage or community stories that arise during your first year of successful trading. Often the awardee is willing to offer on going support for thriving projects.

Continue to (politely) plug away with a friendly approach. 

Keep it light and extol the virtues and achievements of your efforts so far!

Keep asking your community, volunteers or staff for any fundraising ideas that they would be happy to support – keep them involved.


Don’t get disheartened if initial requests for funding or grants are refused.

Budgets are allocated within different organisations at different times of the year so you may fall lucky, or just miss the boat! Be bold and ask when their financial planning takes place for the year ahead so you can diarise and make sure you contact them again in the future.